Efeitos das células de schwann cultivadas e tratadas com o pedf no trofismo de neurônios medulares cultivados e na recuperação motora de ratos submetidos ao trauma contuso da medula espinal pelo impactor / Effect of the cells of Schwann cultivated and treated with the PEDF in the trophism to spinal cord neurons cultivated and in the motor recovery of rats submitted to the trauma contused of the spinal cords for the Impactor




The present study aimed the assessment of the trophic and regenerative potential of the Schwann cells (SC) and of the neurotrophic factor PEDF on the spinal cord neurons by means of cultures of those cells in vitro as well as in an experimental model of a contused spinal cord lesion in vivo. SC were cultivated from sciatic nerves fragments of young adult rats. The primary cultures were purified and used in in vitro and in vivo experiments. To evaluate if the SC cultures treated with PEDF provide the trophism of the spinal cord neurons, these were cultivated from spinal cords fragments of new born rats and treated with SC conditional medium (SCCM), of cells pre-treated or not with specifics isoforms of PEDF. The trophic responses were analyzed by the quantification of the cell number, and the area of sprounting and perycaria of the survived neuronal cells in the culture time course using a specific stereological method. In another series of experiment, adults Wistar rats were submitted to a contuse spinal cord lesion in the 10º-11º thoracic level by means of the NYU Impactor and treated with local injection of SC and your CM with the presence or not of the PEDF. In the end of the surgical procedure, the rats were submitted to behaviors testes as the BBB and the CBS during the 6 follow weeks .The spinal cord neuron treatments show that the SCCM, prétreated or not with specifics molecular isoforms of PEDF and this factors by themselves demonstrated trophic and plastic actions with the spinal cord neurons. It was observed that the SCCM exerted a sprouting and trophic effect on the neuronal body of the spinal cord neurons, and that this effect was enhanced when the SCCM was achieved from SC pre-treated with PEDF, and even better when the pures forms of the PEDF was added to the culture. The animals that received the spinal cord lesion and were treated with injection of SC, pre-treated or not with nPEDF, or with the conditioned medium of those cells and the factors nPEDF or coPEDF showed a better functional recovery when compared to the control groups. The results of this study showed that the SC, your conditioned medium and the PEDF play an important role in the spinal cord neurons, allowing the modulation of the functional recovery process of this organ after the trauma.


neurônios trophism fator derivado do epitélio pigmentado neuronal plasticity pigment epitelium-derived factor lesão medular schwann cells neurons neuroplasticidade trofismo spinal cord (wounds and injuries) células de schwann

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