Efeitos da suplementação dietetica com monossacarideos sobre o perfil lipidico de ratos e camundongos




The diet is one ofthe most important external factors that acts on serum lipids and that can be easily modified. Some studies in literature show that diet rich in carbohydrates especially sucrose, increase the triacylglycerol levels and diminish the cholesterol in high density lipoproteins, thus contributing for the increased risk of development of cardiovascular diseases in humans. The objective of the present work was to compare the effect of the dietary supplementation with monossacharides (glucose or fructose) on the lipid profile, the glycemia, the insulinemia and the insulin resistance index of rats and mice, comparing the efficiency of these carbohydrates in modifying these serum parameters and. also compare the metabolic responses ofthe Muridae family. Adult, male Wistar rats and mice C57BL/6 were submitted to a dietary supplementation for 21 days with 50% glucose or fructose solution, administrated daily by oral gavage. Blood samples were collected, after 12 hours fusting, before and after the treatment with carbohydrates for biochemical parameter quantifications by colorimetric or imunoenzymatic methods. The percentage of cholesterol and triacylglycerol in lipoproteins was determined afier plasma fractionation by fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC). In rats, the glycemia and the cholesterolemia were not altered significantly after the glucose treatment, however significant differences (increase in glycemia and decrease in cholesterolemia) were found in these parameters when the supplemented carbohydrate was fructose. Fructose also induced increase in insulin levels (54%), when compared with glucose supplementation (26%). The index that evaluate the insulin resistance (ROMA) was increased in average 1.2 times after the treatments. The treatment with glucose or fructose promoted significant elevations in the triacylglycerolemia in rats (62% x 41%, respectively for glucose or fructose treatments). Mice presented, in average, an increase of 45% in fasting glycemia afier the carbohydrate treatments and a significant reduction (only for glucose treated mice) in serum insulin (33%). The HOMA index was not modified by the monossacharide treatments. Regarding the lipid profile, the carbohydrate treated mice presented a significant reduction (p


ratos wistar triglicerides camundongo

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