Efeitos agudos do exercício cardiovascular sobre os níveis serotoninérgicos e perfil antropométrico e psicométrico de idosas ativas




Purposes: 1) Identify volunteers anthropometric (AS) and psychometric (PS) status and, 2) verify the dose-response effects of cardiovascular physical exercise of different intensities and duration, on the peripheral alterations of the serotoninergic system, through serotonin (5-HT) and tryptophan (TRP) concentrations and the possible central alterations, through prolactin (PROL) and the ration between TRP and aromatic (AAA) and branched-chain amino acids (AACR). Methods: Sample was composed by active older women (n=49; 64,063,7 years; VO2max= 20,682,49) who were divided for a control group (CG), and five experimental groups (EGs) submitted to treadmill exercises: 20 minutes of duration, under intensities of 90% of anaerobic threshold (AT), 100% of AT and 90% of the respiratory compensation point (G90AT, GAT and G90RCP; respectively); and a maximal exercise test (Gmax) and to a walking for one hour in the AT (GAT1h). The description of AS was evaluated by the body mass index (BMI), waist to hip ratio (WHR), waist circunference (WC), and percent body fat (%BF - DEXA) and PS was measured by the cognitive performance (CP), body image (BI), quality of life levels (QLL) and depression (DL) (MMSE, silhouette scale, WHOQOL- bref e BDI, respectively). AS results indicated a BMI = 26,552,94 kg/m2; WHT= 0,870,05 cm; WC= 91,427,70 cm; %BF= 36,664,8. For PS, it was observed a preserved CP (MMSE=25,6 3,7), a high level of dissatisfaction in relation to body image (p≤0,001) in which 42,86% indicated the silhouette 3 as the ideal BI. The mean QLL was 68,18 and the DL mean was 10,18. In relation to the biochemistry analyses, only three of the EGs presented increases (p>0,05) of the central serotoninergic system concentrations (PROL).Conclusions: All volunteers presented indicators of obesity and its related diseases, dissatisfaction with BI, adequate CP, adequate QLL and indexes of light depression. Biochemistry responses indicated that short-term exercise sessions promoted alterations (p≤0,05) on serotoninergic system only at high intensity or in the moderate exercises duration of 1 hour. Although the it was observed possible positive effects of maximal exercise, volunteers that exercised between AT and RCP with duration of more than 20 minutes seems more appropriated to affect central serotoninergic concentrations of older individuals, presumably trhough benefits related to mental health.


ciencias da saude exercício físico perfil antropométrico e psicométrico serotonina envelhecimento

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