Efeito do tempo de residência sobre a recuperação metálica da flotação colunar reversa de minério de ferro




The goal of this work was to investigate the effect of residence time of the particles in the collection zone of the column over the recovery in reverse flotation of iron ore. It was studied the variation of floatable (recovery) with the feed and height rate of the column. In spite of the enormous number of columns already built in Minas Gerais, very little was done to understand the behavior of the ore particles, when moving in counter current flow against the ascending bubbles of air. It is well known that residence time of the particles affects the recovery and that the capacity of the column is function of residence time, airflow and bubble size. A short residence time will be able to mean a larger recovery, as well as the construction of smaller columns. This will mean a substantial reduction in the building construction cost of new units.


engenharia de minas flotação beneficiamento de minério minérios de ferro

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