Efeito do sulfato de condroitina e glucosamina na reparação de defeitos osteocondrais experimentais no côndilo femoral de cão / Effect of chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine to repair experimental osteochondral defects in the femoral condyle of dog


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The aim of this research was to evaluate the influence of chondroprotective veterinary supplement (nutraceutic) composed of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate in the repair of osteochondral defects induced in femoral lateral condyle of dogs, by clinical, radiographic, macroscopic, histologic and morfometric analysis. We also aimed to test the safety of the supplement with tests of blood glucose, blood count, liver and kidney function, activated partial tromboplastine and time prothrombin time. Fortyeigth adult dogs with body weight ranging from 10 kg to 25 kg were used. They were divided into four treatments (I, II, III and IV), according to the postoperative period of evaluation (15, 30, 60 and 90 days) and each containing six animals. Within each treatment, six animals (GI) received the supplement daily, while the other six formed the control group (GII). No significant differences were observed between groups for each treatment. Therefore, the conditions in which this study was conducted, the chondroprotective did not cause adverse effects and the treated group did not differ from the control on the repair process of such defects.


glucosamina sulfato de condroitina cartilagem articular medicina veterinaria glucosamine articular cartilage chondroitin sulfate

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