Efeito do ômega-3 em músculos de animais distróficos da linhagem mdx / Effect of omega-3 in dystrophic muscle of mdx mice


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and in the mdx mice model of DMD, absence of dystrophin promotes instability of the sarcolemma and progressive muscle degeneration. The inflammatory process contributes significantly to the pathophysiology of the disease. Anti-inflammatory steroids are widely used for DMD therapy. However, due to its ineffective action and their side effects, other drugs are investigated in order to replace the use of corticosteroids. Previously, we have demonstrated that eicosapentaenoic acid in a highly purified form inhibit myonecrosis in skeletal muscles of mdx mice during the early stages of the disease. In the present study, we have verified whether different forms of commercially available fatty acids for human (capsules of omega-3 and flaxseed) would also have a protective effect in dystrophic muscles, especially in the later stages of the disease, when cardiac muscle is also affected. Young mdx mice (14 days old) received omega-3 daily for 16 days via gavage. Older mdx mice (8 months old) received flaxseed for 5 months. mdx control group, young and old, received mineral oil and no food supplement, respectively. In young mice, omega-3 inhibits the dystrophinopathy, reducing myonecrosis and inflammatory process in the most affected muscle, the diaphragm. In aged animals, flaxseed resulted in improvement of dystrophinopathy only in the diaphragm. In the dystrophic heart, flaxseed did not inhibit fibrosis, which is a feature of cardiomyopathy in older mdx mice. Possibly, differences in fatty acid metabolism between skeletal and cardiac muscles may explain these differential results. It is concluded that omega-3 fatty acids commercially available for human use are potentially useful for the treatment of skeletal muscle dystrophinopathy, during early and late stages of the disease.


camundongo mdx distrofia muscular de duchenne inflamação fibrose omega-3 mdx mice duchenne muscular dystrophy inflammation fibrosis omega-3

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