Efeito do diazepam na secreção salivar e na atividade metabolica da glandula submandibular de ratos




The flow of saliva plays a role in the pathogenesis of dental caries. Xerostomia induced by drugs can increase dental caries. ln this research we studied the effect of a sedative hypnotic drug (diazepan in rats salivary glands). It were used 115 rats with 21 days years old. The rats received daily injection of diazepan (0,28mg/kg) or NaCl 0,9% during 30 days. The salivary flow rate and saliva protein concentration were analysed. The glycogen concentration G6PD activity and the metabolic quocient were determined in the submandibular glands. The results showed that the only significative diffference was a decrease in the flow of saliva when the rats received diazepan. It was sugested that the chronic administration of diazepan does?nt change the metabolism but inhibit its secretion rate


glandulas salivares diazepam

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