Efeito de prebiótico, probiótico e simbiótico sobre o desempenho, morfologia intestinal e imunidade de frangos de corte / Effect of Prebiotic, Probiotic and Symbiotic in broiler performance, intestinal morphology and immunity




The market pressures, since consumers require products with high quality, and the possible inducement for the bacterian resistance due to the inclusion of antibiotics as well, have caused the prohibition of the referred antibiotics in animal alimentation. Considering this event, alternatives like prebiotics, probiotics and symbiotics have been emphasized in animal alimentation because they provide intestinal microbiota benefits and less immunologic stress. Therefore, this study evaluated the influence of prebiotic, probiotic and symbiotic in broiler performance, as well as in their intestinal morphology and immunity in antibiotics replacement. 1400 day-old broiler chicks were used during 42 days, in a randomized block design, with 5 treatments: Control, Probiotic, Prebiotic, Symbiotic (prebiotic + probiotic) and Antibiotic. There were 7 repetition with 40 chicks each. Regarding the performance, there was no influence from the tested additives, considering the zoothecnics parameters studied. Considering the immunity, there was a prebiotic effect for the antibodies response against Newcastle disease on the 28th day, and a prebiotic effect to the spleen weigh. Regarding the intestinal morphology, it was observed that when the probiotic was added to the diet, it showed a shorter jejunum villus and an antagonic interaction effect for ileum villus height. Besides, there was antagonic interaction effect for the duodenum crypt depth and a probiotic effect in the jejunum. Still considering the jejunum, it was observed that when the probiotic was added to the diet, it shows lower results. The prebiotic presence in the diet also shows the increase of the caliciform cells number in both duodenum and jejunum.


immunity morfologia intestinal aditivos imunidade intestinal morphology desempenho additives broiler performance frangos de corte

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