Efeito de alguns inseticidas sobre a mariposa Plutella xylostella (L., 1758) (Lepidoptera, Plutellidae) por meio de iscas esterilizantes. / Inseticide effects on the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella (L., 1758) (Lepidoptera, Plutellidae) by using sterilizing baits.




Plutella xylostella (L., 1758) (Lepidoptera, Plutellidae), commonly known as diamondback moth, is an important pest of Brassicaceae in Brazil and several other countries. Its control is usually done with frequent applications of conventional insecticides. However, this approach is sometimes ineffective, besides some drawbacks such as environmental contamination, the high cost of application and the development of insecticides resistance. Chemosterilization using modern insecticides presents an alternative for this pest management. The aim of this study was to evaluate a range of insecticides with sterilizing properties on the adult reproduction of Plutella xylostella. Pesticides were provided to moths in baits, diluted in 10% molasses water solution. The insecticides used and respective doses were: abamectin (0.0025 g a.i./L), diflubenzuron (0.005 g a.i./L), lufenuron (0.005 g a.i./L) and pyriproxyfen (0.01 g a.i./L). A 10% molasses solution was used as a control treatment. Only abamectin affected the fecundity of Plutella xylostella, with a reduction from 64.54 ± 15.11 eggs/moth obtained in the control treatment to 10.23 ± 4.41 eggs/moth, when adults were fed this pesticide. However, fertility was affected by all pesticides. Egg viability when adults were feed abamectin (3.35%), diflubenzuron (46.69%), lufenuron (9.31%) and pyriproxyfen (12.47%) were reduced when compared to the control (83.89%). Only adults that were abamectin fed had their longevity reduced as compared to all other treatments. When the tested pesticides were offered isolated to males or females, their sterilizing activity was observed only when females had access to treated baits.


iscas diamondback moth insect growth regulators reguladores de crescimento inseticidas avermectin reproduction. reprodução animal chemosterilization traças.

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