Efeito da velocidade de escoamento da solução e do comprimento da coluna de solo nos parâmetros de transporte de solutos em solos argiloso e arenoso / Effect of pore water velocity and the length of soil column on solute transportation parameters in clay and sandy soils


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The effectiveness of the mathematical models developed to describe the solute transport in the soil depends on the reliability of the values of the transport parameters. Although the determination of these parameters use the same transport equation, some experimental conditions such as the column length and the pore water velocity does not have standards, making questionable the results and the comparison of different researches. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of flow velocity and the length of soil column to determine the coefficient of dispersion-diffusion (D), dispersivity (λ) and the retardation factor (R) of the potassium ion (K+) on an Oxisol (clay soil) and on a Dystric Quartzarenic Neosol (sandy soil). The experiment was conducted in a laboratory using, for each soil, columns of lengths (L) equals to 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 cm, with an internal diameter of 47 mm and pore water velocities equal to (v) 61.9, 69.12, 74.88 and 80.86 cm h-1 for the clay soil and 37.16, 40.57, 48.07 and 44.0 cm h-1 for the sandy soil. The columns repacked and saturated with a solution of CaCl2, 0.005 mol L-1 were connected to a Mariotte bottle, containing the same solution of CaCl2, until a steady flow is achieved. Later, it was applied the head that would provide the desired pore water velocity according to the hydraulic conductivity and total porosity of the column, and then the solution was replaced by a KCl solution containing 130 mg L-1 of K+. The effluent of the solution of K+ was collected until seven pore volumes for clay soil and five pore volumes for sandy soil were achieved. These pore volumes were divided into 18 samples of about 0.28 and 0.39 pore volumes for sandy and clay soil, respectively. The R and D transport parameters were obtained using the Disp computer program and the λ was obtained by the equation D = Do + λv, being Do equal to 0.0713 cm2 h-1 for the KCl. For both soils, D increased linearly with L and v and the λ linearly increased with L. The R, for the clay soil, linearly decreased with L and increased with v. For the sandy soil, the R had a linear decreased in terms of L. It can be concluded that the solute transport parameters were influenced by the length of soil column and the pore water velocity.


fator de retardamento deslocamento miscível dispersividade curvas de efluente engenharia agricola miscible displacement retardation factor dispersivity effluent curves

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