Efeito da terapia fotodinâmica no tratamento da estomatite sob prótese em usuários de próteses totais / Effect of photodynamic therapy on denture stomatitis in complete denture wearers


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Denture stomatitis is pathological condition in complete or partial denture wearers caused by Candida spp. In the present, the major concern is to promote a proper health condition. Thus, many hygiene methods and treatments for elimination of Candida have been studied. The incidence of candidiasis is high in patients with low immune system, elderly and infants. For the conventional treatment, nystatin or miconazole are used. Photodynamic Therapy is a technique that can potentially reach harmful cells without damaging effects to normal tissue. The effectiveness of the therapy combines two principles: the preferential accumulation of the sensitizer in the target cells and light irradiation, which enables the selective and localized photodynamic therapy. PDT has the advantage of be a noninvasive treatment, shows no evidence promoting bacterial resistance, has low cost when compared to hight power lasers, has no side effects and act selectively in the area of application. The aim of this study was to evaluate the PDT effectiveness on denture stomatitis treatment in complete denture wearers. 22 patients were selected (by inclusion and exclusion criteria) and located in two groups: control (05 mL of nystatin, 06 times a day, 2 weeks) and experimental group, treated by PDT which protocol was: irradiation by laser with wavelength of 660nm, output power of 40mW, energy density of 120 J/cm², 02 minutes per point. The PDT2 was performed 07 days after PDT1. For both groups samples were collected 30 days after the proposed therapy. Sample were collected from the palatal mucosa and underwent serial dilution, were spread into culture media and incubated for subsequent colony forming units counting (CFU). All treatments with PDT significantly reduced (p <0.05) the number of yeast counting in patients mucosa at all treatment times compared to before treatment (initial). There were significant decrease (p <0.05) in the group after one week of treatment when compared to the group 30 day after treatment. The reduction in the isolation of Candida was significantly higher (p <0.05) in the group treated by the photodynamic therapy (PDT) on day 7 and 14 when compared with group treated by nystatin for the same period. Thus, we conclude that under the conditions provided by this clinical study, photodynamic therapy can be an effective alternative treatment of denture stomatitis in complete denture wearers.


candida candida complete denture denture stomatitis estomatite sob prótese photodynamic therapy prótese total terapia fotodinâmica

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