Efeito da sutura V-Y duplo, associada a sutura das bases alares, sobre o labio superior, apos o reposicionamento superior da maxila : estudo cefalometrico comparativo




The present study evaluated the effects of two different suture techniques on upper lip morphology after superior repositioning of the maxilla. Fourteen patients were studied, divided into two groups. Circumvestibular sutures and alar base sutures were used in group I and double V-V closures and alar base sutures were used in group 11. Cephalometric tracings were obtained of the immediate preoperative period and of a minimum postoperative period of six months. The results of this study showed that: a) ali considered soft tissue points presented movement in a superior direction in both groups; b) the nasolabial angle was not affected by the type of closure; c) double V- Y closures resulted in a statiscally significant increase in upper lip vermillion exposure.


labio - cirurgia osteotomia cirurgia - tecnicas ortodontia

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