Efeito da quimioterapia primaria no carcinomade mama com diametro entre 21 e 50mm : avaliação clinica, mamografica e anatomopatologica




The carcinoma of the breast whose largest diameter is between 21mm and 50mm is considered a potentially operable tumor. Nowadays , the routine protocol of treatment consists of an initial surgical procedure, generally a radical mastectomy, followed by adjuvant chemotherapy. Since the late eighties some studies have arisen using the primary chemotherapy prior the surgery for i these cases, with the purpose of to early start the systemic therapy against the micrometastasis and to achieve a less extensive surgical procedure through the reduction of the tumor. This is a clinical, experimental and prospective study performed in thirty patients cared at the Breast Disease Outpatient Clinic of University of Campinas, who presented mammary carcinoma measuring from 21mm to 50 mm by mammographyc exam. The objective was to evaluate the effect of the primary chemothert;lpy on the tumor size through both the clinical and mammographyc examinatión, according to some variables: menstrual status, estrogenic receptor, histologyc grade, nuclear grade and initial size of tumor. The results showed that the primary chemotherapy promoted a reduction of tumor volume larger than 25% in more of 60% of these patients and a complete reduction in 3.3%, although none of these variables studied was significantly associated with the tumor reduction. After the primary chemotherapy, the evaluation of tumor size through mammography was more agreeable with real pathological measure than through clinical examination


quimioterapia mamas - cancer

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