Efeito da dieta à base de Cogumelo do Sol (Agaricus blazei, Murrill) no parênquima pulmonar de ratos submetidos a estímulo carcinogênico pela nitrosamina 4-metilnitrosamina-1-3piridil-1 butanona (NNK) / Effect of diet of sun mushroom (Agaricus blazei Murrill) in the lung parenchyma of rats subjected to stimulation with the carcinogen nitrosamine-4-1-metilnitrosamine 3piridil-1butanone (NNK)




The mushrooms have been used for many years as food for its nutritional value and/or as a therapeutic agent. One of the most studied fungus is currently the Agaricus blazei Murrill, popularly Known as Cogumelo do Sol, for its beneficial credited in the prevention of cancer. This study examined the effects of ingestion of A. blazei in the lung parenchyma of wistar rats subjected to stimulus-induced carcinogen 4 - (metilnitrosamina) -1 - (3-pyridyl) -1 butanone NNK, a potent systemic lung carcinogen in rodents. Was prepared aqueous extract of A. blazei in doses of 14,3 mg and 42,9 mg administered by gavage during 22 weeks together with NNK administered subcutaneously at a dose of 1,5 mg NNK/Kg body weight of the animal during 20 weeks. Were formed six groups: Control Group (CG); Mushroom Group at doses of 14,3 mg and 42,9 mg by gavage and injection of corn oil subcutaneously (CSOL 14.3 and 42.9); Group Nitrosamine (GN) with subcutaneous injection of NNK and saline by gavage; Group Nitrosamine + Mushroom at doses of 14,3 mg and 42,9 mg (NSOL 14.3 and NSOL 42.9). The animals were submitted to Computed Tomografy (CT) to monitor the possibility of development of lung tumors. Was also examined body weight and food intake throughout the experiment. At the end of 22 weeks, the experiment lasted for over four months for observation of development or growth of tumors via CT. After this period the animals were killed and analyzed: complete blood count, hepatogram, cholesterol, triglycerides, macroscopic and microscopic analysis of lung and kurtosis of the histogram curve supplied by the software used in the study called BEBÚI through the lung CT image. In conclusion it was found that NNK dose used on this study was not able to development a lung cancer in animals studied during the experiment. On this experimental model the differences found in histological analysis and the analysis of kurtosis shows that the dose of A. blazei of 14,3 mg was more effective against inflammation and the appearance of opacities compared to the dose of 42,9 mg.


agaricus blazei murrill beta-glucans nitrosamine pulmões-inflamção beta-glucana nitrosamina inflamação pulmonar lung inflamation carcinogênese carcinogenesis medicina agaricus blazei murrill

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