Educomunicação e democracia na escola pública: o educom.rádio e o planejamento / Educomunicação e democracia na escola pública: o educom.rádio e o planejamento


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This paper is the result of a research program conducted with Educom.rádio, extension course offered by the Center for Communication and Arts of USP to approximately 11 thousand students and teachers of 455 schools in the municipal system of education in the city of São Paulo, between 2001 and 2004, focusing how the concept and practice of planning were both in the preparation of the project as content as specified in schedule of activities. Besides the description of the ways in which the subject of planning was right to the development of the course, have been examined specifically the production of 169 proposals for planning educomunication of joint authorship of teachers, students and community members who participated in two of the seven stages the Educom.rádio respectively the 6th and 7th phases. The search result provides not only to say that planning is a prerequisite for the success of any work educomunicating, as evidenced by the effort of the epistemological consistency by design to ensure internal consistency, and what it taught and practiced as cultural and educational activity.


communication comunicação ecosystem management and participatory communication educação education educomunicação educomunication gestão participativa e ecossistema comunicativo planejamento planning

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