Educational actions in the context of preventive archeology: a proposal for the Amazon / Ações educacionais no contexto da arqueologia preventiva: uma proposta para a Amazônia




The central goal of this dissertation is to present guiding principles for heritage education activities within the realm of preventive archaeology. The research was structured from three fields of knowledge - public archaeology, archaeological museum studies and heritage education - which have developed reflections towards the rapprochement of archaeology and society at large, with the aim of presenting parameters for the execution of these actions. From the historical context underlying these actions and based on the theoretical and methodological of these fields of knowledge, I present a model for heritage education in the context of preventive archaeology: The Program for Heritage Education in the Archaeological Survey the Coari - Manaus Pipeline (AM). The actions planned for the execution of such program were developed from a processual and systemic approach aiming to discuss how archaeological studies have been contributing with discussions about past human occupation of Amazon in a sustainable way.


musealização da arqueologia patrimônio arqueologia pública educação patrimonial public archaeology heritage archaeological museum studies amazon heritage education amazônia

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