Educated in letters and kept in good manners: the puerile preaching of the Priest Alexandre SJ (XVII - XVIII). / Educated in letters and kept in good manners: the puerile preaching of the Priest Alexandre SJ (XVII - XVIII). / Educados nas letras e guardados nos bons costumes: os pueris na prédica do Padre Alexandre de Gusmão S.J. (séculos XVII e XVIII). / Educados nas letras e guardados nos bons costumes: os pueris na prédica do Padre Alexandre de Gusmão S.J. (séculos XVII e XVIII).




In the year of 1685, the essay Arte de crear bem os filhos na idade da Puericia was published by the priest Alexandre de Gusmão (1629 1724), renowned member of Society of JESUS in Brazil. In 1686, this Jesuit initiated the foundation of Seminário de Belém in Recôncavo of Bahia, to educate boys according to the expression letters and good deportment. This study takes as the main subject: the prescriptions about the education to childhood. Basically, aims to analyze the ideas of the education importance in the Alexandre de Gusmãos writing, and the pedagogy in Seminário de Belém, to compose a narrative about History of Childhood[s] in the Portuguese and Brazilian world in 17th and 18th centuries.


história história das infâncias 17th and 18th centuries history of childhood priest alexandre de gusmão padre alexandre de gusmão historia séculos xvii-xviii history

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