Educação, trabalho e envelhecimento : estudo das historias de vida de trabalhadores assalariados focalizando as relações com a escola, com o trabalho e com os possiveis sintomas depressivos, apos a aposentadoria




The aim of the work is to study the possible relationships between formal education for the remunerated employment and depressive state of retired people. The life story of eight (8) subjects was studied. These men and women came from different social classes, levels of education, ethnic groups, marital status and earnings. The oral history methodology was used and a semi-structured interview was conducted in order to collect the subjects stories. These were recorded, transcribed and divided in the following categories of study: education, employment, retirement and depression. The data were analyzed tanking into account the indicators of the above categories, and then compared with each other. In conclusion, the data from this group of subject suggests that after retirement: the men presented more depressive symptoms than women; the women after retirement, faced life more positively; the black women, poorer and illiterate, did not present any depressive symptoms. In addition, among all subjects those who had rigid formal education combined with family education, showed the tendency to value remunerated employment and present more depressive symptoms than those who had never had any education.


depressão em idosos velhice aposentadoria. trabalho educação

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