Educação superior em Feira de Santana - Bahia como fator de desenvolvimento Regional




This dissertation was developed with the purpose to analyze the expressions of the concepts region, pole, urban centrality as a development process and its relations to undergraduate education in Feira de Santana. The town of Feira de Santana, which is a non-metropolitan urban center, plays an important role as an influencing regional town for its geographic location connecting different geo-economical areas in the state of Bahia. Feira de Santana has standed out during the last decade in the higher education sector, since the town has a public state university and eight private institutions for higher education. Feira de Santanas university institutions perform a regional impact in the higher education sector of the region regarding the local and regional economic development, due to the financial demands related to the functioning of these institutions and the strengthening of the town in being articulated with the regions on which it performs influence. The universities are an important means of economical and social development for the region and the town Feira de Santana, especially the public state university, Universidade Federal de Feira de Santana (UEFS), which consolidated the city as a regional pole for higher education. In this context, this work had the purpose to demonstrate the importance of the role played by the institutions for higher education, which boosted a regional development in Feira de Santana.


feira de santana-ba desenvolvimento regional feira de santana - ba educação superior presencial papel das instituições de ensino superior regional development role of institutions of higher education planejamento urbano e regional presential higher education

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