Educação sonora e ensino musical : uma proposta de repertorio para crianças




In this work, a parallel study about the method of musical education by Edgar Willems and the proposals on musical and sound education presented by Murray Schafer was accomplished. An analysis about the differences and similarities between the ideas of these two educators pointing out their convergences and divergences and also the points in which they complete each other was also done. As a result, a musical repertoire to be used in practical activities with children from six to eight years old was composed. This repertoire aims to call the child s attention, through the creation, to life experience with sounds in the most diversified expressive and sensible ways. It also offers the possibility to the child that has a critical participation in this process, the ability to create his own music. It consists of pieces to sing and improvise, to develop notions of pitch, rhythm, dynamics, timbre, and the inner hearing as well as sound exploitations. The musical repertoire, written for voice, is not limited to tonal music; it also presents modal, pentatonic, atonal and whole tone pieces. The purpose of this work is not to cover all the content of the proposals of those two musicians and pedagogues investigated. We are aware that there is still more to be done. Creativity is endless, and besides, the possibilities offered by these two musicians is vast. It is up to those truly interested in doing musical work with children to adapt and develop what was suggested here, either with the repertoire presented or the references to the theoretical content of the educational philosophic ideas proposed by Edgar Willems and Murray Schafer.


musica na educação musica - instrução e estudo

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