Educação musical escolar: O canto orfeônico na Escola Normal de Belo Horizonte (1934-1971)




This study addressed the settlement of Orfpheonic Singing as a musical education modality in the period between 1934 e 1971 at Escola Normal of Belo Horizonte, now called Instituto de Educação de Minas Gerais. Permanencies and disruptions on the discourse about school musical education and, in particular, about the education modality of Orfpheonic singing were analyzed though the examination of articles published on journals, reference bibliography and on school records. The research brought out evidences of the relationship between musical education and enlightening and esthetic ideals existent on romantic pedagogy of XIX century, as well as the relationship between music teaching carried by educational institutions of the beginning of XX century and the Brazilian school of nationalist musicians. Documental research done at former Escola Normal of Belo Horizonte allowed the analysis of daily practice of orfpheonic singing and consequent formation of teachers to school singing.


educação teses  educação musical

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