Educação matemática na educação infantil: um levantamento de propostas




The purpose of this dissertation is to contribute to the continuous discussions on Children Education in Brazil, in particular Mathematics Education. We verified the relevance of this theme because of the percentage increase of children up to 6 years old attending any school in Brazil. Weve made a research on the documents prepared by the Governmental Bodies in the last decades in order to trace the progress of Children Mathematics Education. But for a more detailed analysis of such documents, the teachers and/or researchers that contributed to the preparation them must be identified, and we understand that at least a brief description of their works and concepts is very important. We correlated the official documents to the theoretical models of teachers and/or researchers who had influence with theirs proposals. Overall, we commented on the current guidelines for Children Mathematics Education


matematica (elementar) pré-escola matematica -- estudo e ensino children education matematica educacao de criancas educação infantil educacao matematica

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