Educação física escolar e a educação básica: a visão dos professores acerca de uma proposta curricular da disciplina / School phisical education and basic education: the theachers vision about a curricular proposal of the discipline




This research has the goal to check the theachersvision about the proposal of curriculum of Physical Education to the Basic Education, and to check if the teacher relations the inicial formation with the vision that he keeps this proposal. The indication has been as referencial of study was the Curriculum Proposal of Physical Education - preliminary version ( CENP, 2005 ). The researh was realized with base in the information and observation of teachers Physical Education, office holder and temporary, that teach basic education in the school public, under care of Education Direction of Caieirasregion, municipal district of the greater SãoPaulo .The research was based in critical theory, with emphasis in the concepts of formation, adaptation,alienation, emancipation, resistance and conscience. The conceitual base was desenvolved and was articulate with empirical research that was realized with the aplication of questionary at sample involving sixteen teachers, and with result of interview this teachers.The result proposes that teachers of sample resorted to converging pratical with the curricular proposal in lesser proportion than divergent pratical, because it affirms, the greater number, the use of moving activities based in the technic and in the sports modality without articulation of definite objective. For that relation of inicial formation with the teachers, having been as reference the proposal the teachers give evidence of this relation, however they dont make use of contents and methods present in the proposal


educacao educação física escolar adaptation school phisical education educacao fisica para criancas professores de educacao fisica

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