Educação e mundo do trabalho na indústria sucroalcooleira: entre as contradições da realidade social e os desafios da (des)qualificação profissional


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work is the realization of a research masters, belonging to the Post with graduate courses in Education, Federal University of Uberlandia, in line with a survey entitled "Policies and Management in Education." This is the result of readings, debates and reflections developed germinated in Group Work Research, Education and Society - GPTES. The study discusses the changing world of work, particularly the contradictions inherent in the social reality of sugar and alcohol in the Triangle Mineiro - Minas Gerais, in relation to the challenges of (dis) qualification (im) made to their respective employees from of the 2000s, with the introduction of technical innovations and / or organization of their own production process. These reflections are based on a case study conducted in Campo Florido, specifically in Coruripe Plant, which currently stands in the biofuels industry located in the Triângulo Mineiro region. The hypothesis that guides the research is that the changes introduced in this context have led to the intensification of work once the qualification has meant adding features and greater control of capital over labor in the sector. Thus, it is necessary to discuss the educational dimension of this process in spite of the training of workers in the face of technical and organizational innovations that have been implemented in sugarcane production in the mining triangle. To this end, structured and developed to search from the theoretical discussion about the dialectical relationship between education and work, also demonstrating the contradictory meaning of this category work as an educational principle. It is feasible that this insertion process, the complexity and contradiction are characteristic of this dynamic and need to be by way of scientific knowledge production and social transformation, decomposed and analyzed, to enable the understanding of its entirety.


trabalho indústria sucroalcooleira reestruturação produtiva trabalhador da cana educacao formação profissional mercado de trabalho - efeito da educação trabalho aspectos sociológicos trabalhadores - efeito das inovações tecnológicas produtividade do trabalho - brasil usina coruripe education work sugarcane industry productive restructuring worker of the cane

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