Educação e empreendedorismo: qualificação de empreendedores no arranjo produtivo local de Tobias Barreto/SE




This study has the main objective of analyzing how the entrepreneurs, managers of micro and small enterprises represent the experience of the process of formation in entrepreneurism, how they use the knowledge they get in their practice. What are the demands in their qualification and how they valorize the new competencies. The empiric research is concentrated in the municipal district of Tobias Barreto in the countryside of Sergipe where it is in course a project of development of a Local Productive Setting, conducted by SEBRAE. It has as one of its foundation the strengthening of the entrepreneur capability by means of educational processes. It will be used the case study as methodological procedure. The study focuses a specific sample of micro entrepreneurs that take part of the Empretec. It is a course that works in the reinforcement of the behavioral characteristics considered the ideal to the entrepreneur.. The results of the empiric research show that the entrepreneur education - which works specifically with the content that is of interest and has value of use to the entrepreneurs - is extremely valued by them. Not only because it brings financial results to the enterprises but, in the main case, because it strengthens its independence, self-confidence and feeling of realization, specifically in the case of women.


educacao gender educação empreendedorismo entrepreneurism labor education gênero trabalho

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