Educação e conforto térmico: questionamentos e interpretações sobre espaço escolar




This paper has as its main goal the purpose to discuss the school space, assessing specifically thermal comfort. It intends to understand from this element and inside a public school in Juiz de Fora, the perception tha t its several performers have related to the environment. In order to understand that thermal comfort is a dynamic and variable element, I intend to build my comprehension through a qualitative research. Therefore I use strategies which are common in thi s investigative model, such as: participative observation and non - structured interviews. Since I make an approach of the school space, I try to raise questions related to this dimension, point out features and highlight the richness of details which are present in speeches related to school space. Several times, having Escolano and Frago (1998 ) as basis , I call it hidden curriculum. I also make an effort to understando the production of space by identifying a web of relations which lies over the inter ests of several building agents of the space. They are found in a wide range of relation scales, from global to local


space school space thermal confort espaço escolar espaço educacao conforto térmico

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