Educação de jovens e adultos no contexto de formação do SESC - Londrina (2004-2007) : projetos de vida e percursos de alunos egressos


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In the search for understanding of various dimensions that underlie the process of human development, our intention in this work was to bring out differences, tensions and conflicts put in the search for understanding of the network that is the relationships and how they pervade in our lives, especially in settings of the process of education of the subject. The research was conducted at the Center for Education SESC (Social Service of Commerce), in formal education, with a group of twelve students students who graduated from EJA - Youth and Adult Education, offered by the institution in the city of Londrina in Paraná state between the years 2004 to 2007. This research was based on the methodological assumptions of Christine Delory-Momberger (2008), which suggests procedures for data collection through project biographical workshops , which consist of working with memory, the narrative through the stories of life and training processes and proposes as an unfolding analysis of training undertaken and also the review of projects implemented by the participants in their daily life. Other authors such as Dominicé (2006), Josso (1999), Passegi (2008), Pineau (2008), Pollak (1992), Ricoer (1997) and Thompson (1998) come to work together through literature search in order to clarify the pathways methodology and concepts used by us during the research in question. We made a brief history of the emergence of the system S in Brazil ll get us more specifically in the SESC Paraná in Londrina services unit. Required also gave a brief background about the subject of adult education in particular public served by the institution. The paper also reports the procedures adopted scrutinizing them step by step, discussing the difficulties, the similarities and differences in its implementation against the original proposal. Data analysis was organized by the themes worked on each phase of the research, the first referring to the stories of life in the period prior to attending adult education, the second theme focused on the period of entry and stay in the adult education and research institution referred to the third post-training with reports on the impacts of training offered by the institution in the lives of its graduates. The final consideration resume the analysis of the objectives of this research and brings the representations of former students with regard to their participation in research as a proposal for training during the course methodology. We conclude this study and supports the proposal as another methodological tool for effective training in the areas in which scientific research is needed and is as part of the training of its subjects.


educação de jovens e adultos memória - educação educação básica projeto político pedagógico ensino supletivo metodologia - pesquisa education youth and adults memory education basic education political pedagogical project supplementary teaching

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