Educação de Jovens e Adultos e a formação de professores (as): o uso de uma biblioteca digital como ferramenta de aprendizagem


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This master‟s dissertation suscitate the discussion about the thematics of Education of Youngsters and Adults (EJA: Educação de Jovens e Adultos) and the NTIs (Núcleo de Tecnologias da Informação: Information Technologies Nucleus), and aims at: study the andvances of communication and information technologies and it‟s contributions for teaching and learning of people, situating the virtual libraries and its contributions for teaching and learning, specifically, the education of youngsters and adults; describe and present the evolution of EJA‟s Digital Library as a didatic-pedagogic resource, made possible by the communication and information technologies, in the process of teaching and learning of the EJA modality of teaching. The EJA‟s Digital Library, our object of study, is inserted in the process of dissemination of information about Education of Youngsters and Adults, in a perspective where teaching and learning are presents. We had for theorical basis some authors like Paulo Freire and Pierre Lévy. This investigation characterizes as a case study: The case of the EJA‟s Digital Library‟s organization and the possible contributions for teaching and learning of teachers, students and publics in general, interested in this teaching modality. It‟s nature is descriptive and primary and secundary data within registers, documents and reseaches about the subject were used to answer the research questions and objectives. As for the results of this research, the EJA‟s Digital Library is a technological tool which can contribute to continual education of EJA‟s teachers, considering the possibility of providing materials (articles, monographs, dissertations, thesis, books, picture and video phootage), further is an interactive environment where, through email, the educator can answer student‟s questions, amongst others.


digital library for education of youngsters and adults educação de jovens e adultos ntis biblioteca digital educacao education of youngsters and adults ntis

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