Educação continuada e trabalho docente no bloco inicial de alfabetização: o caso de uma escola da rede pública do Distrito Federal / Educação continuada e trabalho docente no bloco inicial de alfabetização: o caso de uma escola da rede pública do Distrito Federal




The present research, completed in the year of 2007, aims at investigating how teachers working in the early years of primary education in a state school in Brasilia connect the continued education proposed by BIA (Initial Literacy Block) to their teaching practice. The BIA is the proposal of the government for the implementation of primary education for Nine Years in Distrito Federal. In order to achieve this objective it was necessary to analyze the concepts of continued education adopted by BIA; to examine how the pedagogic coordination developed in the school matched the proposals of continued education; and also how teachers connected the contributions triggered by the process of continued education to their teaching practice. The method chosen was a qualitative analysis through observation, semi-structered interviews and analysis of documents.The main concepts for this study were continued education, pedagogic coordination and teacher practice.Some theorists helped to guide the analysis and among them I would mention Candau (2003), Zeichner (1993), Freire (1996, 2000), Freitas (1996), Freitas (2002, 2003, 2005) Vázquez (1977), Pimenta and Anastasiou (2005) and Pimenta and Ghedin (2005). After analyzing data which had been collected it was possible to see the contributions that teachers continued education had made to their teaching practice and also to the pedagogic coordination in the school.The continued education proposed by BIA contributed to the implementation of colective reflective teaching practice of the work done in the classrooms and also in the pedagogic coordination time through a group of study formed by teachers enabling them to experience situations which contributed to the organization of their work and to the integration of teaching practice, pedagogic coordination and teachers continued education .Teacherscontinued education proved to be an important tool to transform the pedagogic coordination time


coordenação pedagógica bloco inicial de alfabetização continued education pedagogic coordination educação continuada educacao initial literacy block teacher practice trabalho docente

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