Educação ambiental e sistema de gestão ambiental em empresas


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The present research defends that the Environmental Management supported by Environmental Education will be able to contribute to workers¿ consciousness or in their personal and professional practices, generating greater approximation between the areas of Administration and Education. Having in mind issues referring to the economic, social, environmental targets, needs to change emerge, including the paradigmatic, which could be possible through the sustainable development, that is worked theoretically in different knowledge areas, in an isolated way. In Administration, for example, the changes related to environmental aspects are usually discussed and stimulated by groups that work, in general, Socio-environmental Responsibility, Sustainability and Environmental Management. The communication and the attempt to mobilize the members that are part of this process in the company are basically treated in terms of people training. In Education, in Environmental Education ¿subarea¿, are consolidated studies related to environmental changes, articulated with social cultural aspects. However, there is no consolidated integration between these areas. Thus, the aim of this work was to analyze the theoretical and practical relation existent between Environmental Education and Environmental Management in companies, reflecting about the knowledge manifested by workers in their organizations. For this, based in an interpretativist approach, it was made a study with an exploratory phase, through a closed questionnaire applied to companies which have ISO14001 from all over Brazil; and another descriptive phase through a case study made in Ativo Mossoró da Unidade RN/CE da Petrobras, with questionnaires, document analysis and interviews. The results in exploratory phase have pointed that the majority of the questioned companies with ISO14001 direct their Environmental Education processes to Environmental Management processes. In the case study at Petrobras, the second phase in the research, workers and company¿s conceptions of Environmental Education, Environment, Sustainable development Environmental management were identified. Besides, it was noticed dialogic elements, characterized as those that are at the same time competitive, antagonistic and complementary, such as the company business versus environmental preoccupation; results obtained in this study through quantitative methods versus qualitative methods; theoretical fundaments in Environmental Education versus theoretical fundaments in Environmental Management; and the theory versus practice under the view of academic versus business context.


environmental education gestão ambiental educação ambiental environmental management ambiente organizacional interdisciplinarity responsabilidade socioambiental

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