Educação a distância no ensino médio da rede estadual de Alagoas : o programa jovem empreendedor da escola pública. / The education at a distance in the High school of the state of Alagoas : the young enterprising program in the public school.




This study describes an experience about the Young Enterprising Program in the Public Schools in Alagoas. It uses the education at a distance with High School students in the Public Schools. The methodology of the qualitative research has a perpective of a study of case. It focues the question of the contribuition of the program to the digital inclusion in the state school in Alagoas, and also it is to insert the concluded young students of High School in the labor market. The research includes the Education at a Distance and how to use the Entrepreneurship in the Education. The students depositions, instructors and the coordination of the program are some instruments in the collect of data, during the investigation. This investigation has aimed for to anlyze the contribuition of Young Enterprising Program, through of the Education at a Distance, to the qualification and introduction of the concluded young students of the High School in the labor market. The Education at Distance in the High School and the entrepreneurship in the Education are broached in the development of the study.


empreendedorismo ensino médio educacao education at a distance between preneuship young enterprising jovem empreendedor escolas públicas high school educação a distância public schools

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