EducaÃÃo ambiental por meio da compostagem de resÃduos sÃlidos orgÃnicos em escolas pÃblicas de Araguari




This work is the development of a project on Environmental Education carried out in two public schools in Araguari â Centro Educacional Municipal MÃrio da Silva Pereira and Centro Educacional Municipal Papa JoÃo XXIII â aiming at involving the school community in environmental matters, mainly the one which refers to the inappropriate disposal of solid waste. The compostagem project was presented to the teachers, school staff and students, as an alternative that enables the treatment of the organic solid residues, generated in the schools, having as a result a product with a new utility and that made possible the diversion of such residues from the controlled landfill. It was possible to implant the project of compostagem in the space of the schools, what caused the involvement of the participants and provided the students and teachers a suitable environment for a positive group work. As consequence, it was possible to carry out the treatment of the organic solid residues generated in the school. Also, an environmental awareness took place. The work developed by the teachers in this research was extremely important due to their commitment and advising to the students in the accomplishment and understanding of the project. As result, in both schools, an organic fertilizer of good quality, which was used in their gardens and vegetable gardens, was obtained. During the carrying out of this project the compostagem showed itself as a strategical and efficient tool in the diffusion of the Environmental Education in these schools. This was verified by means of the great willingness to the proposed project and the obtained results.


educaÃÃo ambiental compostagem compostagem escolas e sensibilizaÃÃo ambiental organic solid residues engenharia civil resÃduos sÃlidos orgÃnicos environmental education schools and environmental sensitization

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