Economics and Happiness: a empirical study of the deteminants of happiness in Brazil. / Economia e felicidade: um estudo empírico dos determinantes da felicidade no Brasil




The objective of this work is to analyze the influence of possible empirical determinants on Brazilian happiness. The determinants considered were: marital status age, education, gender, region, religion, ethnic description, income, relative position of income, unemployment, unemployment probability of employed individual, employment probability of unemployed individual. These determinants were used with ordered probit model to the happiness estimation. The study used the data from the World Social Survey for the years 1991 and 1997. The results show that income has a great significance on determining happiness. It was present in the results of almost all estimations done. The variable relative position of income although not significant to explain happiness showed a positive relation to happiness (the greatest is the income of an individual compared to his fellows the better tends to be his position compared to them, what contributes to his happiness). Unemployment also was present. This variable has demonstrated more significant than the ones that relate unemployment to probabilities of employment and employment to probabilities of unemployment. Being married in general is an important determinant of Brazilian happiness (that agrees to the results founded in many other countries) comparatively to the others marital status. Women are less happy than men: they presented a negative relation to happiness comparatively to men. Finely, the catholic and espírita religions (the last one considered in this work to represent religions like candomblé, espiritismo e umbanda) have negative coefficient to explain happiness.


happiness renda ordered probit probit probit ordenado. posição relativa income felicidade social welfare probit desemprego bem-estar social relative position unemployment

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