Economic value in the architectural form and function / Valor econômico na forma e função arquitetônicas: tese sobre forma, função e finanças




Study about the articulation between investors / developers and the architectural form and function in some office buildings in São Paulo. Initially by the historic and social history analysis clarify the motivation of public and private investors and their consequent actions, activating the real estate market in some specific city areas. Appreciated became points attracts class A office buildings, world class symbols of status. Therefore manipulated by investors/developers in obtain the maximum economic value when they delivered, or post occupied - a few. The clarification of the architectural form and function becomes a paramount factor to understand why the selected buildings were highly occupied during several real estate cycles. Archived the investors economic goals and changing to other hands are still desired for corporate users and even a few becomes a landmark.


função arquitetura architecture finance finanças valor econômico economic value function projeto design forma form

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