Economic feasibility of cowpea irrigation in the Piaui State. / Viabilidade econômica da irrigação do feijão-caupi no estado do Piauí.




This study aimed at evaluating the economic feasibility of cowpea irrigation in the Piauí State by the use of geoprocessing techniques. Utilizing historical series of daily rainfall data, obtained at 165 different sites, daily reference evapotranspiration values estimated for the same sites by the Thornthwaite method (1948), and cowpea crop parameters as well as three levels of available water capacity in the soil, 20 mm, 40 mm and 60 mm, the water balances were carried out in daily basis for all years of the series of data using the methodology proposed by Thornthwaite &Mather (1955), considering irrigated and no irrigated crops, for twelve sowing dates along the year, being these fixed on the first day of every month. Based on the results of the crop water balance, it was estimated the gross irrigation depths during the cycle of the culture for the condition of the irrigated crop and based on the relative evapotranspiration deficit obtained in every water balance, it was estimated the relative incomes for irrigated and no-irrigated crops for all of the 165 studied places and for each combination of available water capacity in the soil and sowing dates. Values of relative incomes and gross depths of irrigation, for irrigated crop, and values of relative income for the no-irrigated crop for each place and for each combination of sowing date and available water capacity in the soil were simulated using the Monte Carlo s method. Values of relative income and gross irrigation depths for each place and for all situations, considering the risk levels of 25%, 50% and 75%, were estimated based on the simulated data. The liquid incomes were estimated for all situations, and later it was spatialized for Piaui State and represented by thematic maps of liquid incomes. The irrigated cowpea crop was shown to be economically viable in the Piaui State, independently of the sowing date, available water capacity and the risk degree used. The liquid incomes varied for the several regions of Piaui State, as a consequence of the sowing date, available water capacity and risk level, especially for the no irrigated crop. The no irrigated cowpea crop was shown to be viable for some combinations of place, sowing date, available water capacity and risk, being more correlated to the choice of places and more suitable sowing dates, due to the spatial and temporal variability of the rains. Considering a planning strategy for Piaui State, for both the irrigated an no irrigated crop, the sowing on February 1 was the one that was shown to be more favorable, because it enabled higher values of liquid incomes and these values covered larger areas of the State.


agricultural zoning bean feijão water balance simulação – estatística balanço hídrico no irrigated crop zoneamento agrícola geoprocessamento cultivo irrigado irrigated crop simulation - statisc cultivo de sequeiro geoprocessing

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