ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE MARKET FOR MINERAL WATER / AnÃlise econÃmica do mercado de Ãgua mineral




The dissertation is proposing to submit a descriptive analysis on the market of mineral waters. The approach of the subject is done, initially, through a brief history of his downing and panoramas of the world and national market. Through the data of total volume sold per thousand liters, the total amount sold in millions of real (Brazilian money), market share in volume and market share in value, the market for disposable mineral water of up to 19,999 ml of the designated area for analysis, it was possible to measure variables of economic significance as price, quality, market power and profits of companies in this segment. The methodology is applied in the calibration of parameters of a structural model of demand and supply. On the demand side, take the traditional model of Logit of discrete choice for differentiated products. In turn on the supply side it is assumed that firms compete to the Bertrand model.


ciencias sociais aplicadas calibragem dos parÃmetros poder de mercado e produtos diferenciados calibragem dos parÃmetros demanda demanda poder de mercado e produtos diferenciados

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