Economia solidária e turismo: a experiência da incubação de cooperativas populares na cadeia produtiva do turismo na região nordeste do Brasil / Economia solidária e turismo: a experiência da incubação de cooperativas populares na cadeia produtiva do turismo na região nordeste do Brasil




The 30 years following the World War II, dubbed "The Golden Age by Eric Hobsbawm, have become renowned for the greatness of material flow. However, the economic performance has not redounded to the benefit of the poor neither to the decrease of regional inequality. The economic liberalization process, also known as globalization, which prevailed since the 70s, by promoting competition and diminishing the States role, has also been responsible for wealth concentration in terms of groups and regions. Through the same period, tourism has become a relevant economic activity worldwide. From a heterodox point of view, critical to the self-sufficiency of the market and standing for the importance of State guidance, this dissertation analyses the connections between tourism, poverty mitigation and social inequality, based on the discussion over solidarity economy practices in the tourism production chain. The analysis are empirically based on the project of the incubation of popular co-operatives working on the tourism productive chain promoted by the Brazilian Ministry of Tourism and ITCP/COPPE/UFRJ on the countrys Northeast Region.


economia solidária turismo desenvolvimento local solidarity economy local development tourism turismo

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