Ecologia e história natural do Tatu-peba, Euphractus sexcinctus (Linnaeus, 1758), no Pantanal da Nhecolândia, Mato Grosso do Sul




The general objective of this work was to increase original knowledge about ecology and natural history of the yellow armadillo, Euphractus sexcinctus (Linnaeus, 1758), in the scientific literature. This study was conducted in Nhumirim ranch, an experimental station of the Embrapa Pantanal, located in the Pantanal da Nhecolândia MS, at different intervals from October 2006 to November 2007. The individuals were caught by hand and taken to the laboratory on the ranch Nhumirim for the anesthesia, collection of the biological samples and attachment of external radiotransmitter in the tail of these animals. After all procedures, and recovery from anesthesia, the yellow armadillos were released at the exact spot where they had been caught, and were monitored during the study period. The home range was estimated by the methods 100% Minimum Convex Polygon and 95% Fixed Kernel. The relative importance of habitat types to yellow armadillos was assessed by comparing the habitat used to availability that is proportion of habitat present in the home range of each yellow armadillo. Were examined the characteristics of the burrows entrance of these individuals, such as width, height and angle of the entrance. The activity of the animals was also evaluated and was compared with data obtained by camera traps. The commensal fauna found in the burrows entrance was listed. Fecal samples from individuals captured were collected and analyzed. Items found in the diet of the yellow armadillos were identified to the lowest taxonomic category possible. Some samples of vegetable fragments present in the feces of the animals were examined by the microhistology technique. The endoparasites were collected from fresh feces of the yellow armadillos, and were composed exclusively of helminthes, that were subsequently identified. The ectoparasites of the yellow armadillo consisted of the fleas and ticks that also were identified by the lower taxonomic category possible. Were calculated the prevalence, abundance and mean intensity of these parasites on yellow armadillos. The morphometric measures of the yellow armadillos captured were assessed and compared with measures of animals from other regions. Additionally, were described attempts of to fit the radiotransmitter in yellow armadillos, attempts of the use of equipments Global Positioning System and Trackstick fixed in the radiotransmitter to monitor intensively this species in shot time intervals, and all biological samples collected of the yellow armadillos.


morfometria atividade ectoparasita uso de habitat toca área de vida ecologia dieta pantanal endoparasita tatu-peba

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