Ecologia alimentar e area de vida de carnivoros da Floresta Nacional de Ipanema, Ipero, SP (Carnivora : Mammalia)




The aim of this work organized en Mo chapters was to obtain more information about the community of Camivora of the Floresta Nacional de Ipanema located in the State of São Paulo. It was possible to study with more details the diet of 5 species: otter (Lontra /ongicaudis), crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous), coati (Nasua nasua), oncilla (Leopardus tigrinus) e jaguarundi (Herpai/urus yagouaroundl). It also was possible to obtain some information about the diet of 3 more species: crab-eating raccoon (Procyon cancrivorous), grison (Ga/ictis cuja) and puma (Puma conc%J). This part of the study was developed through scat analysis (N=257). Information about activity time, habitat use, and home-range of 4 individuais (2 crab-eating fox and 2 coatis) was obtained through radio-telemetry. The results showed that otters were specialist, eating mainly fishes and crustaceans. The felids ere the most predator species of this study. Theyate a lot of vertebrates and just a few invertebrates or food of vegetable origin The crab-eating fox and the coati are generalists. They ate food of animal and vegetable origin, and presented seasonal variation. About the activity time, the crab-eating fox are nocturnal and crepuscular, and the coatis are diurnal, but also presented some nocturnal activity. The crab-eating fox uses mainly open field and anthropoid areas. The couple of this specie used the same dormitory, and although they had fed near each other they ere never seen hunting together and each one looked for its own food, except during the lactation period, when the male took some food to the female and to their descendents. The coatis preferred forest areas. The female became part of a group and the male was alone most of the time during the study


mata atlantica carnivoro dietas

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