Ecoeficiência : competência para a sustentabilidade organizacional : um estudo estudo de caso na indústria de acumuladores de energia


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation, study the themes organizational sustainability, eco-efficiency, competences and organizational theory of action. The research question is "How eco-efficiency, as an organizational competence, makes up the organizational sustainability?". The objective is "analyze, from the perspective of organizational theory of action and competences, eco-efficiency as an organizational competence component of organizational sustainability." For this objective could be achieved, a literature review addressed the organizational sustainability, which is understood as the balance of organizational sustainabilities economic, environmental and social and eco-efficiency that addresses the environmental and economic progress needed to increase economic prosperity through more efficient use of resources and less harmful emissions into the environment. In a second phase addressed the competences, understood as a process of formation and development of knowledge, skills and attitudes, with a view to improving its capacity and can thus add value to the activities of the organization of society and himself. Finally, we present also the theory of organizational action, it expresses a way of seeing and designing organizational phenomena in terms of process, which allows the connection between eco-efficiency and competences. Although a case study, both qualitative and quantitative study, into a industry energy accumulators - car batteries. At the end of this dissertation was possible to understand the eco-efficiency as a key component of organizational sustainability, and from the theory of organizational action, it can be viewed as an organizational act, and therefore liable to be understood as a responsibility to support organizational sustainability . The combination of ecoefficiency as an organizational competence also resulted in eco-efficiency indicators through expertise, which proved to be a versatile instrument that can also be replicated in other organizations.


empresas - aspectos ambientais competência e desempenho teoria da organização acumuladores - indústria gestão ambiental environmental management business enterprises - environmental aspects accumulators industry

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