E o verbo se fez canto: músicas, discursos e cultos evangélicos




The present research results from two studies conducted with Baptist churches one of historical lineage (traditional) and the other one, Pentecostal. The research intends to reflect about music, discourses and worship. It proposes a brief review of the churches history and offers a discourse analysis about the music, about the worship and about the music performance during worship and as worship. The research intends to show that, what prevails in the churches music making, is the difference and the details, which go beyond the patterns and structures imposed by social contexts. The research was conducted through observations, interviews and analysis of the collected material. Its theoretical support is based on dialogs between Anthropology, Sociology of Religion, Ethnomusicology, Music Sociology and studies on Comunication. The research, of an ethnomusicology nature, focuses on the meaning of music and understands music as context which is engaged within contents.


musica teses. música aspectos religiosos religião e música significado (música)

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