Dynamic and control of drippers clogging due to chemical precipitates and fitoplankton content / Dinâmica e controle do entupimento de gotejadores em função de precipitados químicos e fitoplâncton




This study attempts to quantify the flow rate variation in drippers (trickle irrigation) submitted to water with different hardness (Langelier Saturation Index), others fertilizer precipitates and fitoplankton content. The experiment was accomplished in three phases, 26 models of self-compensating (SC) and conventional (C) drippers were used. Drip lines were supported in a special test bench with four blocks. The first phase tests 1 and 2: clogging of SC and C drippers by chemical precipitates of calcium and magnesium carbonates; tests 3 and 4: unclogging of previous drippers with continuous application of HNO3 for 12 h; and tests 5 and 6: clogging of SC and C drippers by calcium sulfate. Second phase: tests 7 and 8: unclogging of SC and C drippers with HCl, HNO3 and H2SO4 acids; tests 9 and 10: unclogging of SC and C drippers with CO2. Third phase: test 11: dynamic of drippers clogging by potassium carbonate and subsequent treatment with HNO3, test 12: dynamics of drippers clogging by superfosfate fertilizer and subsequent treatment with HNO3; test 13: dynamics of drippers clogging by calcium oxide; test 14: dynamics of drippers clogging with water presenting high level of fitoplankton (algae) and application of chlorine for recovering. The results showed that there are noticeable differences for clogging susceptibilities and flow rate variation coefficient among emitters related to their performance under different Langelier Saturation Indexes, chemical precipitates and water fitoplankton content. Labyrinth design of the evaluated drippers can minimize either the obstruction or the effects caused by them. The negative performance of emitters evidences outstanding correlation with self-compensation flow rate mechanism. Conventional emitters showed more stable performance compare to other ones. There were differences among drippers models evaluated, regard to the susceptibility to clogging. It was also observed differences regarding the recovery rate related to the application frequency of acid and chemical used. HNO3 presented positive results for the most models. The acid treatment can result clogging of some emitters under certain circumstances.


fitoplâncton irrigação localizada fitoplankton Água para irrigação – qualidade trickle irrigation gotejadores irrigation water – quality drippers

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