Dramas íntimos e dramas sociais: uma releitura dos papéis feminino e masculino no Cinema Novo / Dramas Íntimos e Dramas Sociais - uma releitura dos papéis feminino e masculino no Cinema Novo




This study examines representations of intimate dramas on the question of women facing the inequality of power, in relationship between the sexes, as well as images of the search for autonomy and sexual liberty in the films Os Cafajestes, A Falecida and O Desafio, which are part of the New Cinema, a cultural movement which arose in the 60s. Here, intimate drama is defined as situations or experiences which men and women have in the space which surrounds their affective and sexual relationships. The choice of cinema to analyze this theme was due to the fact of understanding that cinema is a dialogue with a historical context, even though it uses a specific language to transmit messages ? having an association to images, movement of the camera, the lighting effects and the use of sound. Thus, this study is set in a sociological perspective which adopts the establishment of a link of the work (the film) with the group of historical, cultural, economic and political relationships as a basic principle. In spite of the filmography of the New Cinema being characteristically directed towards the representation of economic and political problems of the county, the study done, identified the movie directors involved with this cultural movement who also approached questions referring to ?intimate dramas? forming new representations of being feminine and of being masculine. In the films analyzed, one perceived the attribution of values which contribute to the denigration of feminine images, which, in turn, reinforces masculine models confirmed by patterns of aggressive, violent attitudes towards women. However, at the same time there are representations of women who are determined and decided, who choose paths which they want to take, and in this way maintain relationships of power with men. Despite emerging traces which are not homogenous in that which refers to the practices of men and women, there are, in summary, representations of continuing strict social rules concerning the behavior of women who dare to face social determinations.


os cafajestes(filme) - crítica e interpretação masculinidade o desafio(filme) - crítica e interpretação a falecida(filme) - crítica e interpretação mulheres no cinema gênero identidade sexual no cinema feminilidade no cinema cinema, gender, intimacy cinema novo(movimento cinematográfico) anos 1960 cinema - aspectos sociais - brasil intimidade outras sociologias especificas relação homem-mulher - brasil cinema

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