Doutor Fritz andou de disco voador: hibridizações e sincretismos na terapia espiritual de Chico Monteiro / DOCTOR FRITZ FLEW IN A FLYING SAUCER- HYBRIDIZATION AND SYNCRETISM IN THE SPIRITUAL THERAPY OF CHICO MONTEIRO




In the 1980s, the medium Chico Monteiro initiated a work with the materialization of surgical instruments and treatment with hand vibrations. It was through Monteiro and his team that the cure process with the help of the spiritual entity, Doctor Adolfo Fritz, had its start. This therapy is inserted in a wide process of spiritual treatment commonly verifiable within different Brazilian religions. The present study has the purpose of reflecting upon the Kardecism Spiritism, and on the possibilities of appropriations in the social texture based on the observation of the life experience of the paranormal Monteiro. The starting point will be the understanding of an experience that is not limited to a dichotomy model that opposes the subject and the object. This will bring us to consider the body as a condition of our insertion in the world. We believe we are facing a process of restructuring of pacts between individuals and their bonds, which alters the life experience of these same individuals, instead of species returning to its culture of origin. Our research focuses in the formation of a possible religious- therapy that comes from the spiritism, in which the beliefs of Allan Kardec can coexist with aliens. In summary, a Spiritism a la Chico Monteiro


terapia espiritual chico monteiro espiritismo spiritual therapy chico monteiro crenças religiosas spiritism teologia religious faith

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