Double-quantum-filtered 23Na NMR study of intracellular sodium in the perfused liver.


We acquired double-quantum-filtered 23Na NMR spectra from perfused liver, using a range of tau values from 0.2 to 24 ms, where tau is the separation between the first and second pi/2 pulses in the radio-frequency pulse sequence. For each tau value we compared the amplitude of the double-quantum-filtered 23Na NMR signal acquired from intracellular sodium ions when the liver was perfused with buffer containing the "shift reagent" Dy(PPP)2 to the amplitude of the total double-quantum-filtered 23Na NMR signal acquired when the liver was perfused with buffer containing no Dy(PPP)2. For tau < or = 4 ms, the average ratio of the two amplitudes was 0.98 +/- 0.03 (mean +/- SEM). For tau > or = 8 ms, the average ratio was significantly less than 1. These results demonstrate that double-quantum-filtered 23Na NMR signals acquired from perfused liver using short tau values arise almost exclusively from intracellular sodium ions, but double-quantum-filtered 23Na NMR signals acquired from perfused liver using long tau values contain contributions from both intracellular and extracellular sodium ions. This conclusion suggests that multiple-quantum-filtered 23Na NMR spectroscopy will be useful in studying intracellular sodium levels in the perfused liver, and possibly in the intact liver in vivo.

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