Dosagem do concreto auto-adensável: produção de pré-fabricados. / Self-compacting concrete mix design: precast production.




This work focus the technology of the self-compacting concrete SCC, applied to the precast production. The main innovation was the contribution made to the IBRACON Method, which is widely utilized in Brazil for conventional concrete design, from the new proposed design methodology for SCC, which considers two main innovations. The first one was the concept of correction of the cohesion of the fresh concrete by substitution of pozzolanics or no pozzolanics corresponding mineral additives, with higher specific area, where the poorest formulations in cement requires higher content of substitution when compared with richer compositions, to maintain the desired characteristics of workability. It enables to add a 4th quadrant to the Dosage Diagram of the original method. The second innovation was to incorporate of some workability tests of the fresh concrete, that become important for the qualification of the self-compacting concrete for a practical application. Thus, it carried out a critical analysis of the main available tests, presenting its advantages and limitations, correlating with the parameters of rheology, and with a practical application, validating them for the qualification of SCC for production. Therefore, it was studied mixes of SCC with two levels of self-compactability, without additives and with metacaolin or limestone filler, for mechanical resistances between 50- 70MPa, in a wide experimental program with 11 families of concretes and more of 55 mixes. It was also evaluated the specific cares for the production of SCC, analyzing aspects of productivity and feasability of implementation, based in a case study. It was concluded that SCC is a worthwhile option for the sector, especially using mineral additives, however it is extremely necessary some equipment and procedure modifications in order to adapt the factories to this new technology.


reologia self-compacting concrete processos pré-fabricados precast production concreto auto-adensável concrete reology concreto (propriedades mecânicas)

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