Dos jogos que especulam com o acaso : contribuição a historia do "jogo de azar" no Brasil (1890-1950)




The dissertation attempts to historicize the invention of the modern notion of "gambling" from the end of the 19thcentury to mid 20thcentury. The text tries to articulate the most frequent themes related to the questioning of games that speculate with the odds, around two theoretical axes (objectification and subjectification). Ramdomly connected by the connective AND, the thematic nodules emerge from an analysis of some social and cultural flows: the process of civilizing habits and costumes; the search for intensity in the economy of emotions; the adjuration of the odds in the process of rationalization of culture; the denial of the expenditures by the bourgeois economic moral,; the criminalization and control of popular playful practices; the renitency of nonproductive life and of the dissipating excesses; the internalization of time schedule and the appearance of leisure as hygienic use of free time; the lines of flight of the game as transcendence from everyday life in a disciplined society for the capitalism of production


modernidade jogos de azar - brasil - historia

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