Dopplervelocimetria do fluxo normal da valva tricúspide fetal entre 11 e 13 semanas e 6 dias de gestação / Normal fetal tricuspid valve dopplervelocimetry at 11 to 13 weeks and 6 days




Objective: To establish the measurements of normal tricuspid valve flow velocities at 11 to 13 weeks and 6 days to determine E-wave, A-wave, E/A ratio, cardiac cycle length, diastole length, diastole/cardiac cycle ratio, and their relationship with gestational age, nuchal translucency thickness, the characteristics of the study population, and to assess the reproducibility of flow measurements. Methods: Between February, 2006, and August, 2008, a total of 166 women with a singleton normal pregnancy between 11 and 13 + 6 weeks of gestation consented to participate in the study. Analysis of the waveforms consisted of calculation of peak velocity (cm/s) of the E-wave and A-wave, E-wave/A-wave ratio, cardiac cycle length (ms), diastole length (ms) and diastole/cardiac cycle ratio. To evaluate the intraobserver and interobserver agreement, a subgroup of 12 patients, chosen randomly, was examined twice by each examiner. For descriptive analysis of the results were calculated average and standard deviation. Simple and multivariate linear regression was used to establish the correlation between dopplervelocimetry among parameters and with gestational age, nuchal translucency thickness and the characteristics of the study population. Results: The average (± standard deviation) for transtricuspid flow-velocities waveforms parameters were: E-wave 25 (± 4.6) cm/s; A-wave 42.9 (± 5.9) cm/s; E/A ratio 0.58 (± 0.07); cardiac cycle length 390 (± 21.1) ms; diastole length 147 (± 18) ms; diastole/cardiac cycle length 0,38 (± 0.04). A statistically significant linear increase relative to gestational age was established for all parameters, except A-wave. Nuchal translucency thickness was not correlated with any parameter. A statistically significant negative regression coefficient was established for E-wave to maternal age (r=-0,18, p=0,04). A statistically significant relationship was established between: cardiac cycle length and diastole length (r=0.53; p<0.0001); diastole length and A-wave velocity (r=-0.15; p=0.05); E-wave and A-wave velocities (r=0.77; p<0.0001); E-wave velocity and D/C ratio (r=0.16; p=0.04); A-wave velocity and D/C ratio (r=-0.17; p=0.03). The intraclass correlation coeficients of interobserver and intraobsever evaluations (examiners 1 and 2) were: Ewave = 0.53 (0.53 and 0.64); A-wave = 0.45 (0.46 and 0.49); cardiac cycle = 0.70 (0.79 and 0.84) and diastole= 0.63 (0.85 and 0.82). Conclusions: These data determine normal parameters for tricuspid valve dopplervelocimetry and shows that these parameters, except A-wave, have positive correlation with gestational age, and good/moderate reproducibility.


ultra-sonografia valva tricúspide tricuspid valve primeiro trimestre da gravidez ecocardiography doppler cardiovascular system fetal heart coração fetal ecocardiografia doppler pregnancy trimester first ultrasonography sistema cardiovascular

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