Dom Arcoverde: o cardeal dos sertÃes (1870- 1922)




The Basil point of our historic investigation is the is the research about the eclesiastic politic process that made D. Arcoverde the first Latin American Cardeal. It happened just in a passin Governament way when the Brazilian State and the Catholic Church were separeted because of Republic Proclamation. Inside the Brazilian State, the Brazilian Catholic Church and the Rome Catholic cupule, inside a context of Brazilian Catholicism romanisation. Starting by the prymary fonts, most of them unpublished, of the JordÃo Emereciano Public Filling Cabinet, at the CÃria Metropolitana Recife Olindaâs Filling Cabinet, at CÃria Metropolitana SÃo Pauloâs Filling Cabinet and documents about civilian authorities of the brazilian Chancery, we can say that even the Brazilian state been secularizated in that moment, made a campaign for the cardinalate with big finantial costs. By the metodologic way of see, we belive that our research treats about the Social History. We needed to use concepts like historical circularity by Carlo Ginzburg and Mikail Bakhtin; Social Disciplinary for Michel Foulcault and Social and Byography about Social construction of person. About our research, we can understand that even been officialy sapareted from the State, we Brazilian Catholic Church, in Republic, continued with power and special benefits


igreja catÃlica eclesiastic politics catholic church historia do brasil d. arcoverde polÃtica eclesiÃstica d. arcvoerde

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