Dois olhares sobre a relação mãe e filho: o conceito de vínculo segundo Jacob Levi Moreno e John Bowlby




This research aims to present the contribution of two theories related to interpersonal bonds Bowlbys attachment theory and the interpersonal relationships theory by Moreno to the analysis and comprehension of a mother-child relationship. In the first two chapters, some aspects from each of these theories are synthesized from both authors main concepts, as well as from their epistemological bases. Following these chapters, there is a description of the context in which the empirical work was performed. The techniques of participative observation and semi-structured interviews with every family member (father, mother, teenager daughter and a four year old son) were used during five meetings at the familys home. Although the main focus of this research is on the mother and son dyad, for a better comprehension of what Bowlby calls an ambivalent-insecure attachment pattern, the sociometric network of the child was also considered his family matrix, according to a psychodramatic language through the observation of interactions among all the members of the family. Some concepts from the family-systemic theory were also used in order to enrich such discussion, which consists of an exercise of interpretation of the family dynamics, based on the alternation between the participants statements and the main concepts developed by the two theories that are presented. The last chapter brings a final consideration about the research, the search for an approximation between both theories, as well as for their differences, highlighting their contributions for a better comprehension of the conditions that favored the difficulties that were evidenced within this relationship.


bonds attachment criança psychodrama vínculo apego systemic psicodrama desenvolvimento relacoes interpessoais child sistêmico development

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